Aiyana - Miracle Baby Keeps Fighting! / Trisomy 18
Aiyana has been a warrior since the womb. Despite medical professionals saying she wouldn’t make it week by week, she fought and was brought into this world. Aiyana has a rare type of Trisomy 18, which is associated with abnormalities in several parts of the body. The doctors said that they have never seen anyone else with the chromosome arrangement that she has. That being said, Aiyana is a miracle baby - a unicorn. Aiyana beat the odds of her disease and is fighting, receiving in-home therapy everyday as well as an abundance of love from her family members. Aiyana’s mother, Tiffany, told us, “That’s always been my hope in sharing -- that people will learn about Trisomy 18 and see that it isn’t a cookie cutter disorder. All uniquely special in their own ways but all 100% worth the fight.” We are happy that you and your family fought this fight alongside Aiyana and she was brought into this world. Aiyana has power in her and bravery and that has remained with her since the womb and will be by her side her whole life! Thank you for sharing your fight with us, we hope the best for you and your family! To learn more about Aiyana and watch her journey, follow her on Instagram @allforthem.